Sunday 27 February 2011


i have to do a presentation on wales i have got some stuff planed out but if you have any facts you want to send me please do at thanks


i am making a symetrical lego set at the moment and its A MASIVE BUILDING but it is not like the size of a house anyway if you have any qquestions  about it just email me them at thanks oh yea and i will make another blog about me finshing it and it will conratulations and celabrations and there will be a video of me celobrating maby

Saturday 26 February 2011


If you have a birthday coming soon then i will make a blog specially for you and all you have to do is just send a telling me when your birthday is and if you have any requests for your blog just email me at and if you have any complaints or questions just email me. this terrific deal only gets shaken on if you subscibe thanks

Friday 25 February 2011

Recession-by Adam Higgitt

Today's news that the economy contracted by 0.6% in the last quarter of 2010 is depressing news for all of us. With unemployment rising and inflation much higher than is ideal - not to mention the full impact of government spending cuts still to come - the prospect of a new recession cannot be ruled out. It all seems a far cry from the low unemployment, low inflation, high growth years of the 2000s.

Now Libya!

i cant believe it,Libya are protesting about the leader of there country and they think he is a dictator and i heard on the radio that two soldiers sniped a few people because they had over-throwphobia.I think the the leader and the side of the military thats on the president of Libya are dictators.

Monday 21 February 2011

Crisis in Cairo

It started out as some protests, then it got out of hand and the police had to get riot shields and riot masks.It was brutal combat, bare knuckle fighting.Now they want a raise and to get rid of there Prime Minister.I personally think its babyish.Anyway what more could they want


well this is my website and what I would like you to do is send me your blogs by email and my email address is and please could write coments and do thumbs up or down to see if i am a good blogger or a bad one and to see if i need to improve my website and blogs thanks

Big Trak Carnage: Legacy

Watch my video here